Praise God from whom all blessings flow! My prayer for you is love, joy, peace and the hope we have in Christ Jesus. That you never forget it, that it always encourages you and that you be strengthened by the remembrance of it.

So much has changed since the last post on this blog and I want to give you an update.

Pastor Patricia J.Com has expanded and we can now be found on these social media sites:

Website: https://pjcassociates.wixsite.com/pastorpatriciaj (temporary)

 [www.pastorpatriciaj.com [permanent]

TikTok:     @pastorpatriciaj

Twitter:    @pastorpatriciaj

Instagram: @pastorpatriciaj

Facebook:  pstr patriciaj

Pinterest: @pastorpatriciaj

Blog:  pastorpatriciaj.blogspot.com

YouTube:  Pastor Patricia J [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQugsC(FGcQIhHmozqaM57kA]

Podcasts: ‘Grace is Sufficient…From Learning It to Living It’ [www.pastorpatriciaj.com]

‘Book Chapter Verse: The Musical’, connects lyrics, verses, ideologies and principles to their Biblical foundation. [Available on Spotify, Anchor. Google, Amazon, Audible, and Apple]

Thanks for stopping by. This is still the site that offers answers to questions about Christianity, The Bible, Faith, Prayer, Study, Doctrine, living, loving and walking out your Journey of Faith, Hope and Love. This is still the place where you can make your inquires without being questioned or interrogated, having to defend yourself or your position, having to explain your quest or feel like you are being indoctrinated. And we now have more resources and tools for a deeper, better, right relationship with Jesus Christ.


If you don’t remember anything else remember this:

Even if you were the only person that Jesus had die on the cross to save,

He still would have done it. That is how much He loves you.

He died for us…we live for Him.


Grace, Mercy, Peace and Love to you…

Pastor Patricia J.


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